Keep up-to-date with industry news through the eyes of our experts.
Commercial property law
20 Dec 24
Does a commercial tenant have to paint a commercial lease property?
Divorce and separation
18 Dec 24
Are cats and dogs treated equally in a divorce?
Wills and estates
29 Nov 24
How do you know if you are named in someone’s will?
Wills and estates
22 Nov 24
What are the advantages of using a solicitor over a will writer?
Partnership and limited company
12 Nov 24
What are the legal considerations when selling a business?
Family law
06 Nov 24
How is parental responsibility determined?
Wills and estates
07 Oct 24
A surprising number of parents have not made a will
Divorce and separation
18 Sep 24
What is a clean break divorce?
Family law
12 Aug 24
Are godparents legal guardians?
Residential property
25 Jul 24
What are the laws on home CCTV and video doorbells?
Residential property
26 Jun 24
Do I need any legal documents in place if buying a house with a friend?
Residential property
21 Jun 24